Offshore Racing Rule
Offshore Racing Rule
Offshore Racing Rule

If you serve on a race committee tasked with running a handicap race under one of the ORR rules, we have links to key resources aimed to make your job easier. For information and resources for each rule, follow the navigation link to the rule above or in the menu below. For any other questions, please don't hesitate to contact us (or ORR-Ez representatives) directly. 

Jay Tyson / Services Director

ORR EZ 2023 Rulebook Cover

We are pleased to announce the 2023 updated version of our ORR-EZ VPP and Rulebook!  Some highlights of the 2023 changes to the are:

 All ORR Certificate Holders will be issued an ORR-EZ certificate with the same sail configuration at no charge.  As there are some subtle differenced in the ORR and ORR-EZ Rules and VPPs, this finally allows a mixed fleet of ORR and ORR-EZ boats to race together under the ORR-EZ Rule.  Overall winners of races with a mixed fleet of ORR and ORR-EZ can now be determined as well.  All the standard course and wind configurations are available to the ORR fleet when constructed courses and/or PCS scoring are not appropriate for a given regatta.

 Sport Boats we heard your input.  We have adjusted the VPP to more fairly represent the dynamics of wind shear, rated water line length and wetted surface area.  New technology allows 30’ boats to go as fast as 50’ boats, however 30’ boats can not support a 70’ mast.  We have evaluate the wind shear and downwind heal angles to adjust for modern boat designs.  These changes apply to all boat ratings, however they have a greater impact on boats with shorter rigs racing against boats with taller rigs.

 Trial Certificates - we have automated this process for trials.  You can produce these yourself with trial certificate downloads sent to you without delay.  When you receive your trial certificate, it will be displayed side by side with the base configuration of your boat for easy analysis.

 We have added a PHRF rating calculated by the ORR-EZ VPP.  This number is only valid for racing when specifically stated in an OA’s NOR/SI.  As most of you know, PHRF organizations around the country generate different PHRF ratings for the same boat for many reasons.  This ORR-EZ PHRF number is another point of reference based on a Farr 40 as the scratch boat.

There are more enhancements, we will be posting detailed articles on all the upgrades presently.

Finally, we are encouraging everyone to renew your certificates early, we are offering a $10 discount on ORR-EZ renewals from February 3rd through March 31st to help you get a jump start on the season and help us mitigate the spring crunch. 



Doug Ryan

ORA - Executive Director